Facts About Exterior Changes to Your Property

I’d like to start external projects on my home i.e. painting, add a room, etc. Are there any requirements / guidelines?

Any exterior modifications or additions to your home or any structural changes must have prior written approval from our Architectural Review Committee (ARC). For information, applications and further details, review the architectural documents on this website or email architectural@rancholaquinta.com. Do not schedule any construction work or purchase any equipment until written approval has been received.

How long does it take to get approval for my exterior changes?

Our all volunteer Architectural Committee tries to meet monthly to review any submittals. If your submittal were to arrive the day after a meeting, approval could take 60 days. So be sure you submit your change request timely and be certain that you don't start your project without that approval. Further, remember that incomplete submittals will be pushed to another meeting and you could lose more time.

How long does it take to get back my improvement deposit?

Once we receive the Notice of Completion and final sign-off of inspection by the Association’s Architectural Consultant, owner’s construction deposit shall be returned to the owner within sixty (60) days.